It was yet another exceptional year for UniDance because of the uncertainty of events. Towards the end of the year we got to perform a few times even though the beginning of the year did not let us expect that.
At the beginning of 2021 we didn’t get a chance to practise since the restrictions on social contacts were strict. The entire spring went by without any events together, even though some groups had a few practice sessions over zoom. We only hope for the restrictions to loosen and for us to have the possibility to practice over the summer.

During the summer we started to practise for the “Särkän Märkä” -event that was moved from previous spring to autumn. The event was later on cancelled due to the pandemic situation at the time, and we were once again left only to wait for what’s coming during the upcoming months and the possibility to start a new season in autumn.
Autumn is the busiest time of the year for UniDance since we have the auditions for new dancers in every group. On autumn 2021 the auditions were held in almost normal conditions and we got 13 new dancers to join us! At the very beginning of the new season dancers from every group practiced a collective performance for the “Creepy Carnival” of Särkänniemi. The performance was put together as a team effort and we performed over two weekends eight times in total with different sets of dancers. The Creepy Carnival is already a yearly tradition for UniDance. This year the event was particularly exciting since it had been so long since we had last performed.

Over the autumn and winter we had many events among the members such as a get together night, the general board meeting and a pre christmas party. It was nice to spend time all together from differnet groups and get to know everybody even a little. All the groups continued their weekly practises as usual and in december all three groups got to perform in Ilona-club during the Haalaribileet-event. These performances were a great finishing touch for the year!

The year 2021 was exceptional but left us with great performances, experiences and new friends regardless.